Aldesa has signed a contract with GDDKiA for the implementation of a traffic management system on S6 and S7

Aldesa Construcciones Polska will implement and maintain a traffic management system on expressways S6 and S7 in Pomorskie and Warmińsko-Mazurskie. The contract value is PLN 179m. The system will be put into service in 2023, followed by a five-year service and maintenance period.
The system will allow you to manage traffic on express roads, improving safety and increasing the fluidity of road traffic, reducing road congestion, shortening travel time and lowering fuel consumption. It will cover 31 km of the S6 road and 200 km of the S7 road. The Traffic Management Center in the area of S6 and S7 expressways will be located in Dworek at S7. Devices located in the road lane will be used to manage traffic, provide current information to drivers, such as: congestion, sudden change in traffic conditions, a vehicle going against the flow. There will also be cameras used to measure travel time and weather stations. In difficult situations on the road, they will help drivers: signs informing about incidents, waiting times at the border crossing, showing the detour routes and devices for transmitting CB radio messages and communication with the Center operator. The contract provides for the implementation of the entire system within 840 days, and then a 5-year period of its maintenance and servicing.
The offer of the consortium led by Aldesa Construcciones Polska (also belonging to AC S.A. and Aeronaval de Construcciones Instalaciones) was the most advantageous. The contract value is PLN 178.979 million. The first stage of the National Road Traffic Management System project received funding in the amount of over EUR 123 million from the European Union funds.