Occupational health and safety
The occupational health and safety (i.e. OHS) is a crucial element of Aldesa’s corporate philosophy, equally important as profitability, quality and productivity. The Company’s OHS strategy sets forth a number of requirements and directives which must be adhered to all employees. As a consequence, they become active participants of the health and safety management processes.
Ensuring safe working conditions and inspiring occupational environment for our employees is our main objective. All our employees should feel comfortable and safe at work, regardless of whether such work is performed at offices or construction sites. Creating of safe and environmentally-friendly workplaces requires assessments of risks borne by our employees, business partners and third parties in the case of individual offices and projects and introducing adequate measures in order to curb down or eliminate such risks.
In our work, we always try to focus on eliminating all hazards right at their source, rather than upon remedying their consequences. Preventing accidents, occupational diseases, environmental and property damages and general losses is our goal. The token of our profound concern with occupational health and safety is our PN EN-ISO 45001: 2018 (Occupational Health and Safety) certification.