Traffic management system on S6 and S7 expressroads

Traffic management system on S6 and S7 expressroads
Under the contract, a traffic management system will be created on the expressways, covering 31 km of the S6 road and 200 km of the S7 road. The Traffic Management Centre in the area of express roads S6 and S7 will be located in Dworek on S7. The devices placed in the road lane will be used to manage traffic and provide up-to-date information to drivers, such as: congestion, sudden change in traffic conditions, vehicle driving against traffic. It will also include cameras for measuring travel time and meteorological stations. In addition, the system will include signs informing about incidents, about the waiting time at the border crossing, indicating diversions routes and devices for broadcasting CB radio messages and communicating with the Centre operator. The contract provides for completion of the entire system within 840 days, followed by a 5-year maintenance and servicing period.
Investor: GDDKiA
Project execution: 20203